How You Define Referenced Objects

Business objects that you're loading may reference a few business objects that you can't load using HCM Data Loader because they're not integration enabled. You define or review these objects in the target Oracle HCM Cloud environment before you load data that references them.

You may have performed this step during implementation of Oracle HCM Cloud. This topic identifies how you define these referenced objects.

This table identifies the main objects of this type. It lists the tasks that you use to manage them and the functional area to which each task belongs in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Business Object

Functional Area


Application Reference Data Set

Enterprise Profile

Manage Reference Data Sets

Assignment Status Type

Workforce Information

Manage Assignment Status

Business Unit

Organization Structures

Manage Business Unit

Content Type

Workforce Profiles

Manage Profile Content Types

Currency Code

Financial Reporting Structures

Manage Currencies

Element Type

Elements and Formulas

Manage Elements

Legal Entity

Legal Structures

Manage Legal Entity

Official Language Code

Application Extensions

Manage Languages

Profile Type

Workforce Profiles

Manage Profile Types


Workforce Information

Manage Work Schedules


Foreign-Object References

When you refer to these objects from objects that you're loading, you use their user keys. (Alternatively, you can use their surrogate IDs, if available.) HCM Data Loader provides business-object documentation for all supported objects. This documentation identifies the user key that you can use for foreign-object references. For example, the Position object includes a reference to the Business Unit object, which isn't integration enabled. The position documentation identifies the business-unit name as its user key. Therefore, when loading a Position object, you can refer to the associated business unit using the business-unit name. To see the supplied documentation for a business object, click the object name on the View Business Objects page.