Manage Spreadsheet Data Sets

A data set is all data loaded from an instance of the same spreadsheet and identified by the same data-set name. You can load the data from a spreadsheet all at once.

Alternatively, you can add data rows to an existing spreadsheet and upload them to the existing data set. This topic describes how to create and manage spreadsheet data sets.

Create a Data Set

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the generated spreadsheet.

  2. In the Connect dialog box, click Yes and sign in when prompted. After a few seconds, the spreadsheet shows all attributes from the selected spreadsheet template.

  3. Click the Spreadsheet Loader tab in the spreadsheet toolbar.

  4. Click Create Data Set and click OK to close the dialog box. A data set name is generated automatically, based on the template name, date, and time, but you can overwrite it. The name must be unique for the spreadsheet template.

  5. Click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.

You can either enter data manually in the spreadsheet or import it from a file.

Update a Data Set

To retrieve an existing data set, follow these steps:

  1. Either open the original spreadsheet or generate a new spreadsheet from the same template as the original spreadsheet.

  2. In the Data Set Name field under the Search header, select the name of the data set that you want to update. Available data sets:

    • Were uploaded from a spreadsheet that was generated from the same spreadsheet template as the current spreadsheet.

    • Still exist in the stage tables. You can't update a data set after you have deleted it from the stage tables.

  3. Select a Search Mode value. You can retrieve either all records in the data set or only those that failed to load.

  4. In the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar, click Search. The specified data-set records are downloaded to the spreadsheet.

You can correct failed rows and add new rows, but you can't update any row that loaded successfully. Rows that you add belong to the data set that you're updating. When you upload the data, only new and updated rows are imported to the stage tables.

Save a Data Set

You can import a data set periodically to the HCM Data Loader stage tables by clicking Save on the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar. The data isn't loaded to the application tables until you click Upload. The Save action lets you:

  • Import data to the stage tables over a period of time. For example, you can enter and save payroll adjustments throughout the week but upload them only at the end of the week.

  • Create large volumes of data that you save regularly to a single data set. You don't have to manage those volumes all at once in the spreadsheet.

  • Allow multiple users to supply data for processing in the same data set.