Overview of Automating Data Loading

You can automate HCM Data Loader processes to load data to Oracle HCM Cloud and extract both status and error information. This topic provides an introduction to the automation processes.

The processes that you can automate are:

  • Delivery of .zip and .csv files to the Oracle WebCenter Content server

  • Initiation of HCM Data Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader to process files on the WebCenter Content server

  • Initiation of the HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary extract and retrieval of its output

Additional instructions are provided in Automating HCM Data Loader on My Oracle Support.

Automating HCM Data Loader

Delivering Files to Oracle WebCenter Content Automatically

To automate the delivery of .zip files to the WebCenter Content server, you can use:

  • The WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility, a feature-rich Java library that provides content import and export capabilities.

  • WebCenter Content Generic SOAP Web Service, which exposes a SOAP web service interface (GenericSoapPort) that supports various operations, including file upload.

  • The dataLoadDataSets REST resource provides an uploadFile method for uploading smaller Base64 encoded files.

Initiating HCM Data Loader using SOAP

You can initiate HCM Data Loader automatically to process multiple files on the Oracle WebCenter Content server using the HCM Data Loader Integration SOAP Service. This web service provides the two methods shown in this table.




Initiates the processing of a data file


Returns the current status of a data file

Several ways exist of running the web service. For example, you can use generated proxy classes.

For more information on using the HCM Data Loader Integration Web Service, see: HCM Data Loader Integration Web Service

Initiating the HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader using REST API

You can automate the HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader integrations using dataLoadDataSets REST resource to upload files to the Oracle WebCenter Content server to initiate HDL and HSDL and monitor the progress and status of your data sets.

The following table lists the REST API custom actions:

Action Method Description
Upload a File POST Uploads a file to the HDL import directory of the Oracle WebCenter Content server (UCM).
Note: Due to the Base64 encoding of the files, the uploadFile action is suitable for uploading smaller files.
Create a File Data Set POST Creates a file based data set for a file preloaded to the UCM, importing valid data into staging tables. Optionally loading valid objects into the application.
Create a Spreadsheet Data Set POST Creates a spreadsheet based data set, transferring the UCM file and importing valid data into staging tables using the named HSDL template code. Optionally loading valid objects into the application.
Get all Data Sets GET Provides summary information for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader data sets available in the staging tables.
Get an individual Data Set GET Requests the staging table data for data sets identified by the parameter values supplied.
Get Business Object Information GET Provides summary information for business objects within a data set.
Get Data Set Messages GET Provides details of the messages raised against a specific data set.
Get Data Set Process Information GET Provides details of the processes submitted to upload a specific data set.
Stop a running Data Set POST Requests that processing of the data set be ceased.
Submit Load or Rollback for a Data Set POST Submits the load or rollback processing of a data set.
Delete a Data Set's Staging Table Data POST Deletes the staging table data of a non-processing data sets identified by the input parameters.
Stop a running Data Set Business Object POST Stops the processing of an in-progress data set.
Submit Load or Rollback for a Business Object within a Data Set POST Submits the load or rollback of a business object within a data set.

Granting Access to the HDL REST resource

To enable access to initiate processing and monitor your own data sets you’ll need this role hierarchy:
Role Name Role Code

To upload file to the Oracle WebCenter you’ll also need access to the HCM Data Loader import account. Assign this role:

Role Name Role Code
Upload Data for Human Capital Management file based import HCM_DATALOADER_IMPORT_RWD

To enable access to initiate process and monitor all data sets, regardless of who created them, you’ll need this role hierarchy:

Role Name Role Code
Load All Data Sets using Data Load Data Sets REST Service ORA_HRC_LOAD_ALL_DATA_SETS_USING_REST

Set up access to the HCM Data Loader REST API using the steps listed in the Configure Access to HCM Data Loader tutorial.

To run the REST API custom actions, see the Using the HCM Data Loader REST API tutorial.

Initiating the HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary Extract Automatically

HCM Extracts is a tool for reporting and outbound integrations. When you use HCM Extracts as part of an integrated process, you can initiate it automatically from an automated flow. The Payroll Flow Engine is the generic processing engine that you use for this purpose.

When you save a copy of the predefined HCM Data Loader Data Set Summary extract, you also create a payroll flow of type Extract. You can initiate this payroll flow using the FlowActionsService, which you use to automate and monitor the extract. You use the payrollProcessingActionService.fetchExtractOutput method to download the extract output. When the extract is associated with a BI template, the payroll flow ensures that the BI report is generated and written to the BI server.