Spreadsheet Data Loaders

In this topic, you learn about using the spreadsheet data loader provided with Oracle HCM Cloud. To use this tool, you must install the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel.

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

You can use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader to load most objects that HCM Data Loader supports. The exceptions are components, such as Document Record Attachment and Person Image, that load content like PDF files and images into the Cloud. Here's how the spreadsheet gets processed:

  • Rows in the spreadsheet are initially saved to the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader stage tables

  • Stage table data is reformatted to the hierarchical shape supported by HCM Data Loader

  • Reformatted stage table data gets saved to the HCM Data Loader staging table

You can find HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in the Data Exchange work area.

Single-Object Spreadsheet Loaders

Oracle Fusion HCM provides many spreadsheet loaders for specific object types.

In most cases, you:

  • Create the spreadsheet on the page where you manage the object.

  • Load the objects directly to the application tables.

  • Correct any errors in the spreadsheet.

In many cases, you can both create and update the object in a spreadsheet.

Single-object spreadsheets are most useful for users such as human resource specialists and benefits specialists, who are creating objects of a specific type in bulk. You're less likely to use these types of spreadsheet loaders for integrations.

This table shows some key objects that you can create in bulk using this type of spreadsheet. It also identifies the page or tab where you generate the spreadsheet.

Note: Some of these are HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader spreadsheets embedded in the relevant page or tab.

Business Object

Page or Tab

Benefit Enrollment

Evaluation and Reporting work area, Enrollment Uploads tab

Benefit Plan

Manage Benefit Plans page

Benefit Program

Manage Benefit Programs page


Manage Content Items page


Manage Departments page


Manage Jobs page


Manage Locations page

Performance Rating

Manage Content Items page

Postal Code Range and Service Area

Manage Postal Code Ranges and Service Areas page


Manage Regulations page

Reporting Group

Manage Reporting Groups page

Stock Grant

Manage Stock Grants page

Variable Rate Profile

Manage Benefit Rates page

Work Pattern

Manage Work Schedules page

Work Schedule Assignment

Manage Work Schedule Assignment Administration page

Work Schedule

Manage Work Schedules page

Worker Goal

Administer Goals page

For some objects, such as Benefit Rate and Assignment, you can perform a mass update in a spreadsheet. To update these objects, you download existing objects to a generated spreadsheet, edit the objects, and upload the changes.