Guidelines for Extracting Benefits Data Using HCM Extracts

Consider these key guidelines before you extract benefits data.

Aspect Details
Extract type When you create an extract definition, ensure that you select Benefits Carrier from the Extract Type list.
Option Type

You select the option type on the Manage Plan Types page. Make sure that the option type of the plan type that you're using to create an extract definition is one of these types.

  • Health Coverage

  • Spending Account

  • Life Insurance Coverage

Other types aren't supported at this time.

Extract Plan Type Names You need to enter the name of the extract plan type correctly when you create or edit the plan type. See the related links section in this topic for a full list of valid extract names.
Extract Option Names You need to enter the extract option name correctly when you create or edit the option. See the related links section in this topic for a full list of valid extract names.
Benefits Extract Plan Code You need to enter the correct plan code on the Additional Configuration step when you create or edit a plan. The plan code is an identification code provided by the carrier, such as UHCORCL001.
Lookup value mapping Make sure that you map the required lookup values accurately in the Mapping tab on the Manage Plan Carriers page.
Extracts data for terminated employees The data for terminated participants and their dependents won't be included in the extracts after the extract process runs for the second time after the employee's termination date.
Contacts (dependents) You need to map the contact lookup accurately. For example, if you need to include the contact's marital status in the extract, the mapping value should be True, and shouldn't have a NULL value.
Participant or dependent address Ensure that addresses are categorized accurately. For example, if there is no address that's marked as Home, or if there are several addresses that are marked as Home, the addresses won't be included in the extract.
Data Groups

Create a PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE (Person) data group and select it as the root data group. The following benefits data groups are available:

  • BEN_EXT_ENRT_RSLT_UE (Enrollment Results)

  • BEN_EXT_ENRT_DPNT_UE (Dependents)

  • BEN_EXT_ENRT_BNF_UE (Beneficiaries)

  • BEN_EXT_ENRT_RTCVG_UE (Rates and Coverage)

Sequence of extract records

After you create the data groups, ensure that you sequence the data groups to identify which data group the application processes next:

  • Person

  • Dependents

  • Beneficiaries

  • Enrollments

  • Rates and coverage