Automatic Plan Enrollment and Balance Copy During Local and Global Transfer

The Local and Global Transfer process automates accrual plan enrollment and copying of plan balances from the old organization to the new one. When an employee is transferred, all active plans are end-dated in the old organization. If the employee is eligible for the same plans in the new organization, the application automatically enrolls the employee to the same plans in the new entity.

Here’s how other attributes of the absence plan are processed during the transfer:
Configurations What happens during the transfer
Absence plan with carryover enabled The carryover amount, as well as the carryover expiration details, if applicable, is copied over to the new plan. The new plan shows an initial balance copied over from the old organization and any applicable carryover amounts that expire on or after the transfer.
Absence Plan with vesting options enabled The vesting attributes from the old entity are copied to the new entity. For example, an employee has 8 hours of unvested accruals earned on January 1st that are set to vest on April 1st and a local or global transfer happens on March 15th. The 8 hours of unvested accruals will still vest on April 1st just like it would’ve in the old entity.
Absence Plan with waiting period options enabled The same enrollment date based on the waiting period defined in the old entity is copied to the new entity. For example, if an employee enrolled in a plan with a 90 day waiting period beginning on January 1st, is transferred on March 15th, the enrollment in the new entity will be on April 1st just like it would’ve been in the old entity.
Plans with disbursement and/or rollover options enabled The applicable attributes from the old entity are copied to the new entity.

You can view information about all the absences plans, future or scheduled absences and future plan transactions in the Absences section of the HR Local and Global Transfer page. The Absence Plans section shows you details about all the plans that the employee is currently enrolled in. This includes the plan’s name, enrollment date, disbursement option, and balance as of the transfer date. During a global transfer, the final balance is calculated one day before the global transfer date.

The Existing Absences section displays all absences that are currently in progress. It also shows all future and scheduled absences, scheduled on or after the transfer date. Open-ended absences that don’t end before the transfer date will be end dated on the day before the transfer date. All future absences scheduled on or after the transfer date will be withdrawn automatically. The Additional Transactions section shows you all future plan transactions scheduled on or after the transfer date that will be withdrawn. These transactions include donations, disbursements, transfers, compensatory time and adjustments.