Options to Enable Absence Accrual Balance Adjustments

Use the Entries and Balances tab on the Absence Plans page to enable the following types of accrual plan adjustments:

  • Balance transfer across plans

  • Other adjustments

  • Elective disbursements

When you enable these adjustments, it then allows HR specialists to make adjustments to plan balances on the Manage Absence Records and Entitlements page. To make adjustments, HR specialists can select an option on the Enrollments and Adjustments menu of the Plan Participation section.

Balance Transfer Across Plans

This adjustment option enables HR specialists to select a source plan and specify an amount of time to transfer to a target plan balance.

Other Adjustments

This adjustment option enables HR specialists to make special adjustments to plan balances, such as award leave time to a worker for exemplary performance at work. When HR specialists make adjustments on the Manage Absence Records and Entitlements page, they can select Clerical Error or Compensatory as the adjustment reason.

Elective Disbursements

This adjustment option integrates benefits election with absences so that participants can sell all or part of their vacation or sick accrual balance. You can create vacation or sick time sell plans in Benefits. During open enrollment or an annual anniversary, a participant who's eligible for these plans can select the number of units to disburse and the date the disbursement should be processed by payroll for payment. When participants make their elections to specify how much time to sell and when, the information is sent to Absence Management for further processing. These elections reflect in Absence Management when the accrual process is run.

To integrate benefits election with absences:

  1. Select Enable benefits integration.

  2. Select Mark as pending to indicate whether the disbursement is finalized or not after the accrual process is run and the information sent to payroll.

  3. Select one of the following options for the Election Date Rule:

    • Current plan year end: The end date for the current plan year is used as the disbursement date.

    • Determined by election: The end date is elected within Benefits. If you select this option, the elective amount is disbursed only if the employee has a valid payroll relationship.