How You Configure a Plan for Discretionary Cash Disbursement

Workers can initiate a cash disbursement request for their accrual or donation plan balance. Administrators and managers also have the option to initiate a cash disbursement request on behalf of a worker.

To enable self-service cash disbursement for a worker and manager, complete these steps:

  1. On the Absence Plans page for an accrual or donation plan, go to the Entries and Balances tab, Discretionary Disbursements section.

  2. Select Enable for administrator. The Enable for manager and Enable for worker fields are available for you to select.

  3. Configure the disbursement rules and define limits for the number of hours to disburse. For the disbursement rule, you can select either Formula or Flat Amount. When you select Flat Amount, you may also specify the following quantities. When you select Formula, you must specify a formula that returns values for these same quantities:

    • The minimum number of hours that the worker is eligible to request a cash disbursement

    • The maximum number of hours that the worker can request, for instances where you want to limit the amount to a certain number of hours

    • An increment to prevent workers from entering decimal places, and thus avoid rounding issues later

If you don't specify any minimum, maximum, and increment quantities, the application assumes that there are no minimum, maximum, and increment outputs.

Initiate Cash Disbursement Request

Here's how workers and managers start a cash disbursement:

  1. Click Cash Disbursements in the Time and Absences page. Managers can navigate to this page using the Cash Disbursements quick action from My Team page.

  2. Click Add in the Request Cash Disbursement page.

  3. Select the date and absence plan you want to disburse from. Enter the amount of time you want to disburse.

    Note: Employees with multiple assignments must select the assignment and then the plan from which they want to donate.Managers and administrators will see one row per assignment when they search for the employee. Select the assignment from which donation is to be made.
  4. Click Submit.

If you're an administrator, here's how you disburse an employee's balance:

  1. Click Absence records in the Absences work area under the My Client Groups tab.

  2. Search and select the employee to open the Manage Absences and Entitlements page.

  3. Select the absence plan and click Disburse Balance on the Enrollments and Adjustments menu. This menu is in the Plan Participation section.

  4. Select the date and enter the amount to be disbursed.

  5. Click Submit.

Approve Cash Disbursement Request

Optionally, you can configure approval notifications for the self-service cash disbursement requests. For example, you want line managers to approve cash disbursement transactions requested by workers. Managers can view these notifications by clicking the Notifications icon on the Home page or receive these notifications by email and decide whether to approve or not.

To configure disbursement approval notifications:

  1. Go to the BPM Worklist.

  2. In the BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, select the AbsencePlanBalanceDisbursementApproval workflow task to configure, and then click the Edit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.

  3. Open the Assignees subtab and modify the approval rule, if required.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar when you're ready to deploy your changes.