Delivered Rules for Document Records

These are the predefined rules for the Document Records business object.


Rule Type


Default Document Name Based on Person and Document Type

Field Modification

This rule defaults the document name based on the person and the document type.

Default Issuing Country Based on the Legislation Code of the Primary Assignment

Field Modification

This rule defaults the issuing country field based on the primary assignment's legislation code.

Validate Document Record From Date is After Current Date

Field Modification

This rule validates whether the from date entered is after the current date.

Validate Document Record To Date is Before Current Date

Field Modification

This rule validates whether the to date entered is before the current date.

Validate Document Record Publish Date is After Current Date Field Modification This rule validates whether the publish date of the document record is after the current date.

Points to Consider

  • When the condition fails, the Object Validation rule will display an error message and the Field Modification rule will display a warning message.
  • If you use a delivered rule that validates a date condition and have approvals enabled for the document type, the data will still be committed during the transaction. This is because the validation is a warning message and doesn't prevent data from being committed.
  • You can configure an Object Validation rule. For example, Validate on Submit button (exit region) for unique Document Record.
  • You can't validate transactions based on date, if approvals are enabled for the document type.
  • You must use the System Document Type when creating the rule, so that the rule is language independent.
  • Transactions that are pending approval in the Document Records flow and Document Records plug-in section won’t be considered when evaluating a rule.
  • You must use Partial Page Refresh (PPR) if your rule includes defaulting a value in one descriptive flexfield (DFF) segment based on the value in another DFF segment.