Delivered Rules for Goals Relation with Goal Plan

Select the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object on the Autocomplete Rules tab of HCM Experience Design Studio to view and use the Validate Performance Goal Weight delivered rule.

You can use this object validation rule only if updating weights inline is enabled for the goals in a goal plan that has weights enabled.

You can copy and configure this rule so that when users create or add a shared goal, an error message is shown if the weight assigned to the goal is below a specified value. Note that this rule doesn’t consider private goals.


Although you configure the Validate Performance Goal Weight delivered rule, weight validation is bypassed for these use cases:

  • Goals are copied, moved, or extended.
  • Goals are added using scheduled processes.
  • Goals imported from another goal plan.
  • Managers force approve the goal transaction in Transaction Console.
  • Administrators add a goal to a goal plan from the Goal Plans page.
  • Managers assign goals from a source goal plan that isn’t weight enabled.
  • A goal was created when weights were disabled for the goal plan, and administrators later enable weights for the goal plan.
    Note: Weight validation is triggered only when the goal is later edited.
  • On Edit Weights page, weight validation is done only for the goals whose weights are changed.