Navigation From and To Goals Relation with Goal Plan

The illustration shows how you can traverse from and to the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object.

Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object

From Goals Relation with Goal Plan Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating from the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object to other business objects.

From Goals Relation with Goal Plan to Business Objects





rowset variable

Get Goal

To get goal details from any of the child objects. This object is also used to differentiate from performance and development goals. It's needed in any type of rule added in the child object

Goal Plan

rowset variable

Get Goal Plan

To get goal plan details of the goal.

Review Period

rowset variable

Get Review Period

To get review period details of the goal applicable only for primary goal plan.

To Goals Relation with Goal Plan Business Object

Consider the following information when navigating to the Goals Relation with Goal Plan business object from other business objects.

From Business Objects To Goals Relation with Goal Plan



Goals Relation with Goal Plan

row variable (variant 2)

Navigate to Goals Relation with Goal Plan object to access goal plan, review period, weight, and priority details related to the Goals object.