Cash Disbursals and Rollovers of Excess Flex Credits

This topic explains the disburse-maximum and rollover-maximum components. These components are a part of the following excess credit treatment rules.

You configure them in the Excess Credits tab when you create a flex credit shell plan:

  • Disburse maximum, rollover maximum, then forfeit

  • Rollover maximum, disburse maximum, then forfeit

Disburse Maximum

Disburse excess flex credits as cash subject to minimum and maximum limits that you set.

  • Minimum limit scenario: The minimum cash disbursement limit is 50 USD. If the excess credits are 40 USD during enrollment, then no cash is disbursed and the next component in the rule starts to process.

  • Maximum limit scenario: The maximum cash disbursement limit is 80 USD. If the excess credits are 100 USD, then only 80 USD is disbursed before the next component in the rule starts to process.

Rollover Maximum

Transfer excess credits to other offerings subject to minimum and maximum limits that you set for each rollover rate associated with a flex shell plan. A rollover rate is a rate that you configure for a benefit offering to enable rollover of flex credits into that offering.

If multiple rollover rates exist for a flex shell plan:

  • The excess flex credits transfer to each rollover rate in sequence depending on the sequence numbers that you associated with each rate.

  • The flex credits continue to transfer as long as the excess credits that remain after each transfer are within the maximum and minimum limits set for each rollover rate.