Display Enrollment Authorization as of Life Event Occurred Date

Here’s how you enable the display of enrollment authorization text as of the life event occurred date:

  1. Click Navigator > Benefits Administration > Plan Configuration.
  2. In the Tasks panel drawer, click Self-Service Configuration.
  3. Select the Display authorization text as of life event occurred date check box.
  4. If you want to display the latest text in Benefits Service Center also, select the Display Authorization page in Benefits Service Center check box.
  5. Click Save.

    Participants read and accept the enrollment authorization text before they get to the enrollment pages. You can display the enrollment authorization text for programs and plans not in programs as of the life event date or effective date. This text appears in the self-service pages and in Benefits Service Center based on your self-service configurations. Life events that were already processed don’t reflect the text as of the life event date or effective date. In such cases, you need to back out and reprocess the event.