Example of Beneficiary Designation Requirements

This example shows how to define both kinds of action items for designating beneficiaries.

  • Action items that cause enrollment of the entire benefit offering to be suspended if not completed

  • Action items that cause enrollment of only the beneficiary to be suspended


A participant enrolls in a life insurance plan that requires the participant to designate a beneficiary. The participant designates a beneficiary, but doesn't provide an address.

  • The participant receives a reminder about the pending action item.

  • Event processing completes the participant's enrollment in the plan but suspends enrollment for the beneficiary until the participant provides an address.

Configure these plan settings in the Plan Configuration work area using the Manage Benefit Plan Details task.

  1. On the Plan Designation Requirements page, create an action item for designating a beneficiary.

  2. In the Beneficiaries tab Suspending Plan Enrollment section, select the Required and Suspend Enrollment options for the action item.

  3. Set a due date.

  4. In the Action Items for Suspending Beneficiary Enrollment section, add another action item for the beneficiary's address.

  5. Select Required and Suspend enrollment.

  6. Set a due date.