Example of Dependent Designation Requirements

The following example shows how to associate dependent designation requirements with benefits offerings.


When a participant enrolls in the Employee Plus 1 option, the participant must designate a dependent and provide the relevant certificate, such as marriage or birth.

  • The administrator informs the participant about the pending certificate.

  • Event processing suspends the participant's enrollment in the Employee Plus 1 plan.

  • Employee Only coverage is in effect until the participant provides one of the certification documents.

Configure these plan settings in the Plan Configuration work area:

  1. On the Plan Designation Requirements page, create an action item that requires designating a dependent.

  2. On the Dependents tab Dependent Action Items section, select the Required and Suspend Enrollment options.

  3. Set a due date

  4. Add a certification requirement.

  5. Select the Required and Suspend Enrollment options for the certification requirement.

  6. Add certifications for a marriage certificate, domestic partner affidavit, birth certificate, and adoption certificate. Don't select Required for the individual certifications, so that participants can satisfy the requirement by providing any one of the documents.

  7. On the Edit Plan Enrollment page, define interim coverage for this plan to be the Employee Only option.