Overview of Benefits Life Events

A life event is a change to person data or a scheduled event that can potentially result in an enrollment opportunity. For example, a change to a person’s assignment, marriage, the birth of a child, and so on. Life events determine when a participant can make or change benefits elections.

Some unrestricted events can provide virtually perpetual opportunity. Use life events to determine when a participant can make or change benefits elections.

Using Life Event Types

The following table describes the four categories of life event types with examples.

Type Category




A person's personal or work change that affects benefits participation. You configure explicit life events and their triggers during implementation.

Address change


Assignment transfer


Temporal life events occur with the passage of time and are predefined based on derived factors. Attach eligibility criteria based on the derived factors to the benefits objects associated with the event.

Age 65

Sixth month of employment


Scheduled life events are assigned periods of enrollment opportunity initiated by the employer organization.

Open enrollment periods

Administrative event due to adding a new benefit


Unrestricted life events enable participants to make enrollment changes at any time.

Savings plan enrollment and contribution changes

Creating and Editing Life Events

Life events are date effective. To avoid errors, check and adjust the session effective date before you create or update life events. Use the Manage Life Events task in the Plan Configuration work area to:

  • Create explicit life events of type Work or Personal.

  • Update existing and predefined life events.

You can configure these settings:

  • Type. Select a type when you create a life event.

  • General information, such as:

    • Name, description and short identifiers

    • Override and global indicators

  • Additional information, such as:

    • Occurred date

    • Temporal detection rule

    • Timeliness period evaluation

    • Related person and self-assigned indicators

For explicit life events, configure the table and column changes that trigger the event:

  • Create data changes in advance and add them as person or related person data changes.

  • Create the data changes when you create or edit the life event.

Associating Scheduled and Explicit Events with Benefits Objects

You must associate scheduled and explicit life events with benefits objects and configure enrollment period, coverage, and other details. Use the Enrollment step of program or plan configuration.

Enrollment Setup Considerations

In the Enrollment step when you create or edit a benefits object, ensure that you:

  • Check the session effective date before updating enrollment.

  • Select the appropriate hierarchy level at the top of the enrollment step.

  • Use the correct tab for the scheduled or explicit life event type.

  • Select the event on the tab before configuring the enrollment period, coverages, and other details.

Processing Life Events

To determine enrollment opportunities, participation processing evaluates the life event against eligibility requirements and other configuration of the associated benefit object.

You can evaluate participation using:

  • Batch processes in the Evaluation and Reporting work area

  • Processing tasks for individual participants in the Enrollment work area

  • Temporal processing options on the life event and in participation processing parameters

Reporting on Life Events

To view life events by status, use one of these resources:

  • Participant Enrollment Results report in the Reports and Analytics work area. Click More.

  • Configurable report on the Life Events tab in the Evaluation and Reporting work area. Search by specifying the event status and other report parameters.

  • Use the Enrollment work area to view life events for individual participants.