Unrestricted Life Events

Use unrestricted life events for benefit enrollments that aren't dependent on time or data change. For example, use unrestricted event processing for savings plan enrollment, where participants can make contribution rate changes at any time.

This topic explains:

  • Unrestricted event types

  • Prerequisite benefits relationship configuration

  • Unrestricted processing considerations

  • Unrestricted processing during open enrollment period

Unrestricted Event Types

The following table describes predefined types of unrestricted life events:




Unrestricted life events have a one day enrollment period and remain in the started status until the next unrestricted life event starts.

Unrestricted Open

You can configure the enrollment period start and end dates and when the elections become effective.

Prerequisite Benefits Relationship Configuration

To use unrestricted event processing, you must specify the default benefits relationship at the legal entity level. Use the Configure Default Benefits Relationships task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. If you configure the default benefits relationship for unrestricted processing, you must also configure it for life event processing.

Unrestricted Processing Considerations

Consider these points when planning to use unrestricted processing:

  • Every attempt to alter the benefits enrollment:

    • Closes any previous unrestricted event

    • Starts a new unrestricted life event

    • Creates the effect of perpetual enrollment opportunity

  • Processing an unrestricted life event with an effective date that's prior to existing unrestricted events backs out the later unrestricted events.

  • Unrestricted processing doesn't affect other types of life events.

Unrestricted Processing During Open Enrollment Period

To enable enrollment in unrestricted plans during open enrollment, you must disable the regular unrestricted processing:

  • Use the Manage Self-Service Configuration task in the Plan Configuration work area.

  • Set unrestricted processing enablement to Not during open enrollment.

  • Otherwise, the regular unrestricted processing backs out the unrestricted open enrollments.

Unrestricted programs and plans run on different business relationships than the life event driven programs and plans. This means that you can process an unrestricted life event on the same day that you process a regular life event.