Overview of Objects in a Benefits Hierarchy

You assemble benefit programs, plan types, plans, and options to create benefit offerings.

This figure illustrates example benefit object hierarchies for plans in program and a plan not in program.


A package of related benefits. The program level is the top level in its benefits object hierarchy and sets general boundaries that all descendant objects inherit.

Plan Type

A category, such as medical or dental insurance, that you use to group and maintain related benefit plans. The plan type level is subordinate to the program level in the benefits object hierarchy unless the plan type isn't associated with a program. Unassociated plan types form the top level of the hierarchy.


A specific offering within a plan type that's associated with a program. The plan level is subordinate to the plan type level in the benefits object hierarchy.

Plan Not In Program

A specific offering within a plan type that isn't associated with a program. The plan level is subordinate to the plan type level, which is the top level of this benefits object hierarchy.


An electable choice within a plan or plan type, such as coverage for an employee or employee plus spouse. You can associate an option with one or more plans and plan types. The option level is the lowest level in the benefits object hierarchy.