Seniority Date Attributes

You can configure seniority using these attributes:


Where You Use it


Enterprise and Legal Employer

  • Termination

  • Absence entitlements

  • Benefits

  • Payments

  • Team schedules and availability

  • Awards and recognition

  • Workers with lower seniority are considered first for layoff.

  • Workers who have completed five years of service are entitled to additional vacation time or study leave.

  • Workers need to meet minimum service criteria to be eligible for long term disability plan.

  • Only workers who have completed eleven months of continuous service receive an annual bonus. Or, only workers with five years of continuous service are eligible for gratuity payments when they resign from the company.

  • Workers who have higher seniority are given preference for working in the normal shift.

  • Workers who have completed five years of service are presented with a certificate and company memento.

Grade, Job, and Position

  • Promotion

  • Key additional assignments

  • Mentorship opportunities

  • Travel opportunities

  • Preference for public speaking and presentations

  • When performance is the same, workers with higher grade seniority are promoted.

  • Workers with higher job seniority are selected for greenfield assignments.

  • Workers with more experience are likely to be better mentors.

  • Workers with a longer tenure in certain sectors are more likely to be given preference for international travel.

Grade Step

Pay scales and pay increases

In certain sectors and industries, a worker is eligible for automatic movement to the next grade step in the progression. This eligibility is based on twelve continuous months of service at a particular grade step.

Union, Bargaining Unit, and Collective Agreement

Union office and benefits

Union members with higher seniority in the union become eligible for union offices and other union benefits.


  • Global temporary assignments

  • Visas and permits renewals

  • Payments

  • Workers who have spent specific time in a particular country may not be eligible to work in that country for a cooling period.

  • Workers who have spent specific time on a particular type of visa or permit, may have to re-apply or return to their home country.

  • Workers who have stayed for one year in a particular country may no longer be eligible for expenses and may be moved to that country payroll.

Location, Department, and Business Unit


In certain public offices, workers who have spent three years in a specific location, department, or business unit have to be transferred.

Assignment Category

  • Benefits

  • Pay scales and pay increases

In certain organizations, seniority in a certain assignment category, such as full-time regular is used to drive benefits, pay changes, employee eligibility to work certain hours, and wage progression rules.