Seniority Date Versions

You can manage the seniority of workers using V1 or V3 versions of the Seniority Dates functionality. This table describes these versions:




Seniority dates that are managed using the Work Relationship task are referred to as V1 seniority dates. You can only manage the Enterprise Seniority Date and Legal Employer Seniority Date using V1 seniority dates. V1 seniority dates are stored in the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE table.


Seniority dates that are configured using the Configure Seniority Dates task and advanced configuration options are referred to as V3 seniority dates. You can configure multiple seniority dates as per your requirement. These seniority dates are managed using the Seniority Dates task. V3 seniority dates are stored in the PER_SENIORITY_DATES_F table.

Note: The seniority dates aren't calculated during run time. You must run the Calculate seniority Dates process to calculate seniority dates. You need to schedule this process because V3 seniority dates are populated only after the process is completed.

If you have a new environment, there's no seniority date version activated.

  • If you want to use seniority dates V1, you need to create a new rule using the Configure Seniority Dates task and deactivate or delete the rule.
  • If you want to use seniority dates V3, you need to create a new rule using the Configure Seniority Dates task and run the Migrate to Version 3 of Seniority Dates process.

For more information, see the document Seniority Dates - Comparison between Different Seniority Dates Versions ( on Customer Connect.