Overview of Absence Donation Pools

Donation pool absence plans enable employees to donate their accrued leave to a central pool, and eligible employees can then claim leave from that pool.

Donation pool absence elements are created so that Payroll calculates the monetary value of those employee donations and claims, and maintains the total monetary value of the donation pool. The donation pool value is credited or debited based on the donations and claims.

You can create absence accrual elements and enable them for donating to donation pools. When an employee donates leave from an accrual-based absence plan to a donation pool, the plan's element processes the donation in the payroll run, where it calculates the monetary value of the donations, and transfers that value to the nominated donation pool.

You can create donation pool absence elements that are associated with a donation pool absence plan. When an employee's claim from a donation pool is approved in Absences, the donation pool element processes the claim in the payroll run, where it calculates the monetary value of the claims, and transfers that value out of the nominated donation pool.