Example of Integrating Journeys with HireRight for I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification

The delivered I-9 integration with HireRight does these things:

  • Automatically creates a HireRight Document from Cloud HCM by sending the required information from Cloud HCM to the vendor HireRight when the journey is assigned to the worker or when the worker accesses Section-1 task.
  • Provides a specific task for the worker in Cloud HCM to navigate to the HireRight portal to complete Section-1.
  • Eliminates the need for the user to explicitly log in to HireRight when accessed from Cloud HCM.
  • Provides a specific task for the manager or HR in Cloud HCM to navigate to the HireRight portal to complete Section-2.
  • Provides the ability to automatically mark the I-9 task as Done.
  • Provides the ability to automatically update the I-9 status in the work relationship in Cloud HCM.
  • Provides the ability to bring the completed I-9 back to Cloud HCM and store it in Document Records.

In this example, you configure the settings that will enable your organization Oracle, USA to integrate with HireRight, a third-party I-9 form verification service provider.

Since I-9 form verification is mandatory for employees in the USA, this integration will enable you to include an I-9 verification task in new hire journeys for USA based workers.

Before You Start

  • Obtain a license and register with HireRight. This is a one-time activity.

  • Note down the account code obtained from HireRight.

Points to Consider

  • All I-9 tasks in the same journey should use the same HireRight integration account.

  • When configuring I-9 integration, you need to use the primary email address of the employee. Although the default email type is Work Email, you can change that in the Employee Email Type field. Whichever email you use, you must ensure that the worker retains the same email until the time the I-9 process is completed. That is, if you specify Home Email as the I-9 email, the worker should also have Home Email and this should not change when the I-9 process is in progress.
  • An I-9 document is created in HireRight when the journey is assigned. You need to ensure that the value of the ORA_PER_CHECKLIST_DEFER_I9_CREATION profile option is set to Y. This will enable the creation of the I-9 document in HireRight only when the employee accesses the task.
  • If you use I-9 in an enterprise onboarding category journey, all the I-9 tasks should be configured within the same enterprise onboarding step category journey template.
  • The Person ID from Cloud HCM is sent to HireRight as the Client Applicant ID, and the Allocated Checklist ID is sent as Client Request ID. A combination of Client Applicant ID and Client Request ID is a unique identifier for the I-9 document in HireRight.

Configure the Journey Integrations Task

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to Checklist Integrations task.

  2. On the Checklist Integrations page, click Add.

  3. Enter the values as shown in this table. Note that some values are provided by HireRight. For others if not specified, use the default values.



    Integration Category


    Integration Type


    Integration Code

    User-defined name for the integration, the code you enter here becomes available in the list of values when you configure the I-9 task.

    Administrator User Reference A valid user account in HireRight with administrator privileges to initiate the I-9 process, generate the employee web link, and check the verification status. You need to obtain this value from HireRight.
    Web Service URL Override the application defaulted URL with https://api2.hireright.com:443/ws_gateway/HireRightAPI/v/1/2
    Update Status in HR Select one of these values to automate the completion of the I-9 HireRight journey tasks:
    • Auto update I-9 status: Automatically updates the I-9 status in the work relationship.
    • Auto update I-9 status and task status: Automatically updates the I-9 status in the work relationship and the I-9 task status as completed.
    • Auto update task status: Automatically updates the I-9 task status as completed.
    • I-9 status update after manual task completion (default value): I-9 status in the work relationship is updated only after you manually mark the task as complete.
    • Never update: I-9 status in the work relationship is never updated.

    If you have selected a value to automatically mark the I-9 task as complete, then you don't need to return to the journey task and manually mark it as done.

    If you select the Auto update I-9 status and task status or Auto update task status value, then it's recommended to hide the Done button for the task using Display Settings.

    Account Code

    You need to obtain this value from HireRight, this is the company account code.

    Enable integration and send information to external service provider

    Selected, indicates that attributes from HCM will be shared with HireRight

  4. Click Save.

Validate the Integration

  1. Click Validate to confirm that the integration works.

  2. Click Save. The integration is successful if no errors are displayed.

Configure Options to Automatically Update Status in HR

If you want to automate the completion of the I-9 HireRight journey tasks, you can configure one of these values for the Update Status in HR field. To enable the status push, you need to follow these steps:
  1. Set the ORA_PER_CHK_ENABLE_I9_CALLBACK profile option value to Y.
  2. Configure the API User and Password in Cloud HCM status along with the relevant roles.
    1. Create a role. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Navigate to Security Console > Roles. Click Create Role.
      2. Enter the details shown in this table:
        Role Name Role Code Role Category
        Journey Administrator PER_JOURNEY_ADMINISTRATOR HCM - Job Roles
      3. Under Role Hierarchy, click Add, and enter the details shown in this table:
        Role Name Role Code
      4. Click Save and Close.
    2. Set the security profile. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area. Search for the Manage Data Role and Security Profiles task.
      2. Search for the PER_JOURNEY_ADMINISTRATOR role code. Click Edit.
      3. Under Security Criteria for Person > Person Security Profile, search for View All Workers.
      4. Click Next, and then click Submit.
    3. Create a user. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Navigate to Security Console > Users.
      2. Click Add User Account.
      3. Create the user with the relevant details for First Name, Last Name, Email, and Username and Password.
      4. Under Roles, add the PER_JOURNEY_ADMINISTRATOR role for the created user.
      5. Click Save and Close.

        If you use Location-based Access Control (LBAC), you need to ensure that the HireRight addresses are appropriately configured. Ensure that the users performing I-9 tasks have the PER_EDIT_WORK_RELATIONSHIP_DATA and PER_CHANGE_WORKER_ASSIGNMENT_DATA data privileges, so that the I-9 status can be updated from the journey.

  3. Provide the configured username and password in step 2c to HireRight.
  4. HireRight will then enable the status push using the credentials provided in Step 3.
  5. Configure one of these values depending on how you want the I-9 tasks and I-9 status to be completed and updated respectively.
    Lookup Code Old Meaning New Meaning Description
    I9_STATUS Not applicable Auto update I-9 status Automatically updates the I-9 status in the work relationship.
    Y Always Auto update I-9 status and task status

    Automatically updates the I-9 status in the work relationship and the I-9 task status as completed.

    Section 1 task in Cloud HCM will be marked as Completed when the I-9 status in HireRight is Pending Employer.

    Section 2 task in Cloud HCM will be marked as Completed when the I-9 status in HireRight is Completed.

    This is the recommended option.

    TASK_STATUS Not applicable Auto update task status

    Automatically updates the I-9 task status as completed.

    Section 1 task in Cloud HCM will be marked as Completed when the I-9 status in HireRight is Pending Employer.

    Section 2 task in Cloud HCM will be marked as Completed when the I-9 status in HireRight is Completed.

    C Only on completion I-9 status update after completion of the I-9 Verification Status task I-9 status in the work relationship is updated only after completion of the I-9 Verification Status task.
    N Never Never update I-9 status in the work relationship is never updated.

Configure Attributes to Send to HireRight

These attributes are sent from HCM to HireRight. On the Checklist Integrations page, you can indicate which attributes shouldn't be sent.

  • Worker First Name
  • Worker Last Name
  • Worker Email Address (not configurable and is always sent)
  • Worker Address
  • Worker Social Security Number
  • Worker Date of Birth
  • Hiring Manager First Name
  • Hiring Manager Last Name
  • Hiring Manager Email Address
  • Worker Location Code
  • Worker Location Name
  • Worker Start Date
  • User Reference for Section 2
    • Prior to release 23C, the Primary Email value was the only value in the User Reference for Section 2 field and the value was selected by default. The Person Identifier and Person Number values are now added in the field. If you plan to change the value in the field, you must let HireRight know of this change. This is to make sure that changes are in sync on the HireRight side as well.
If you use Cloud HCM (for I-9) and Oracle Recruiting integration (for background check), it's highly recommended to keep the default option of Email Address as the identifier for User Reference for Section 2. However, if for certain business reasons you want to change the value for the User Reference for Section 2 field, then you need to follow these steps which are applicable for existing and new customers:
  1. If you want to modify the value of User Reference for Section 2 from the default value of Email Address, you need to first contact HireRight. Changes on the HireRight portal must be completed before you modify this configuration in Cloud HCM. If this sequence of changes is not followed, your integration will fail.

    If you want to update the value of User Reference for Section 2 to a value other than Email Address, you need to provide the selected identifier value for each user (person number or person identifier) to HireRight.

  2. Update the Profile Option in Cloud HCM.

    To change the User Reference for Section 2, use the profile option ORA_PER_CHK_ENABLE_I9_USERREF_CHANGE (Update of User Reference Enabled for I-9 Section 2). By default, this profile option is set to N. If it is changed to Y, then you will get the above values in the list of values, and the value of User Reference for Section 2 can be configured to any one of them.

  3. Update the configuration of the User Reference for Section 2 field in Cloud HCM.
    You can configure one of these values:
    • Primary Email (this is the default value)
    • Person Number
    • Person Identifier

Correction of I-9 in HireRight

If an I-9 document is corrected in HireRight which changes the I-9 Status or E-Verify status, then based on the value configured for the Update Status in HR field in Cloud HCM, the task will be reopened. That is, if the value is Auto update I-9 status and task status or Auto update task status, then the task in Cloud HCM will be reopened.

Update Termination Date for I-9 in HireRight

You need to build a custom report in Cloud HCM that includes ClientApplicantId (Person ID), ClientRequestID (Checklist Allocated ID), Termination Date, and other required attributes for the terminated workers. You need to manually provide this report to HireRight for them to upload the termination dates accordingly.

For more information about HireRight integration, see the Journeys - Integration with HireRight document (https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/discussion/631000) on Customer Connect.