Examples of Task Delay Duration in Journeys

You can delay the start of a task by specifying the number of days after which the task should be assigned to a task performer.

The delay duration along with other journey assignment criteria you specify will determine when the task is assigned to a task performer.

If you specify delay duration for a task that has a preceding task, then the delay duration is calculated from the day on which the preceding task is marked as complete. For example, you set Task A as the preceding task for Task B and Task B has a delay duration of 2 days. If Task A is completed on 19th September, Task B will be assigned and initiated on 21st September. Also, Task B will be disabled and can't be acted upon until it's initiated.

In these examples let's see how the task assignment date changes based on the journey allocation criteria and the delay duration.

Example 1

Assign a journey task to a task performer 2 days after the new hire record is created.

Allocation Criteria


Create a new hire record


New hire's Start Date


Create a journey template with action Hire and set journey allocation criteria to Checklist manually allocated or record created and approved

Create a task Verify Personal Information with performer as Worker

Specify Delay Duration

2 days

Journey task is assigned and task notification sent (10-Jun-2023 plus 2 days)


Example 2

Assign a journey task to a task performer 2 days after the new hire record becomes effective.

Allocation Criteria


Create a new hire record


New hire's Start Date


Create a journey template with action Hire and set journey allocation criteria to When the action record becomes effective and Days for Initiation as 4

Create a task Verify Personal Information with performer as Worker

Specify Delay Duration

2 days

Journey task is assigned and task notification sent (10-Jun-2023 plus 4 days plus 2 days)


Example 3

Assign a journey task to a task performer 5 days after a pending worker record is created.

Allocation Criteria


Create a pending worker record


Pending worker's proposed start date


Create a journey template with action Add Pending Worker and set journey allocation criteria to Checklist manually allocated or record created and approved

Create a task Submit Identity Proofs with performer as Worker

Specify Delay Duration

5 days

Journey task is assigned and task notification sent (24-May-2023 plus 5 days)


Example 4

Assign a journey task to a task performer 5 days after a pending worker record is effective.

Allocation Criteria


Create a pending worker record


Pending worker's proposed start date


Create a journey template with action Add Pending Worker and set journey allocation criteria to When the action record becomes effective and Days for Initiation as -2

Create a task Submit Identity Proofs with performer as Worker

Specify Delay Duration

5 days

Journey task is assigned and task notification sent (3-Jun-2023 minus 2 days plus 5 days)
