How You Configure Journey Notifications

When you assign a task, you can notify task owners and performers. You configure the notification for a task in the Notifications and Reminders tab.

Override Task Notifications

A notification is sent to the task performer every time you assign or reassign a task. You can deselect Performer in the Notification Overrides section to stop sending these notifications. However, for other task updates you must specifically configure the notifications that you want to send the task owner or performer.

Override Notification Templates

You can use predefined alert templates in your journeys to notify task owners and performers for events related to absence, health and safety, learning, person, recruiting, and talent. For journeys which are based on an employment action or which are non-event based, BIP notifications are sent. If you want, you can modify the journeys and replace the BIP notifications with alerts. You must create a custom alert template by copying the seeded alert template and associate the custom alert template to the appropriate notification for a journey or task.

Prevent Task Status Update from Notifications

It's possible that task performers may update the journey task status directly from a task notification. To prevent that, you can specify Hide for either Mark as Complete or Mark a Task as Not Applicable when configuring task display properties in the Display Properties tab. This hides both these action buttons in the task notification.

All journey task notifications which require the task performer to mark the action as Complete or Not Applicable are in the Assigned status. When the performer acts on the task notification and clicks either Complete or Not Applicable, the task notification status changes to Complete. Similarly, all FYI journey task notifications are in the Assigned status too, but the status of such FYI notifications changes to Complete only when the user explicitly clicks on Dismiss in the task notification.

When an Area of Responsibility (AoR) is configured as a task performer and the AoR contains multiple members, action buttons aren't available in the email and bell notifications.

Send Task Notifications

Individual notifications are sent for tasks, by default. However, if you don't want users to receive individual notifications you can enable Combine task notifications on the Display Properties tab to send a single combined notification summarizing all the task notifications. If you enable this setting, both actionable and FYI notifications are summarized in the notification. However, if there are any task actions to do after the combined notification is sent for the day, those notifications are sent as separate (or individual) notifications.

Send Notifications on Journey Allocation and Force Completion

The Send notification on checklist allocation setting on the Display Properties tab is enabled by default. This sends the journey assignee a notification when a journey of non-enterprise onboarding category is allocated. Since there's no default notification template associated for non-enterprise onboarding category journeys, you need to configure a custom alert and associate it in Template for Assigned Checklist on the Message tab.

When the Send notification when checklist is force completed setting is enabled it sends a notification to the journey assignee when a journey is force completed. Although you can't override the seeded template that's used to send this notification, you can modify the seeded template and use it.

Points to Consider About Alert Notifications

  • Data related: Here is a point to note:
    • All event alerts and tokens are predefined by the product teams and seeded in the application. The user can't include additional tokens or fields in an event alert and only delivered tokens available in the seeded event alert are supported.
  • Personalization related: The user can't do these actions:
    • Add tables and links in alert templates.
    • Modify only the token font. You need to modify the font for the whole sentence or text.
    • Brand alerts.
  • Other considerations: Here are some more actions that the user can't do:
    • Send alerts as SMS.
    • Copy event based alert templates.
    • Use Functional Setup Manager (FSM) to migrate journey alert templates that are attached to seeded alerts.
    • Perform actions on alert notifications because they are only for your information (FYI).
    • Claim when the alert is sent to multiple people (for example, AoR).
    • Can't remove the FYI prefix.
    • Use BPM alias for home email.