How You Secure Assigned Journeys Based on Specific Templates

Secure assigned journeys based on a specific journey template by configuring the options in the Assigned Journey Operations section.

Roles that you enable in this section will be able to view the journeys assigned based on the template. The access when configured takes into account the Person Security Profile and the View Assigned security configuration.

By default, All roles is selected to maintain backward compatibility. However, you can disable the All roles option and add only those roles that should have access to view the journeys assigned based on this template.

The table briefly describes the impact of the configuration options using a use case.

Security Configuration Options Where You Configure This What This Configuration Determines Which Page is Impacted Use Case
Assigned Journeys Specific template > Security tab > Assigned Journey Operations Control which roles can view assigned journeys, that are based on this journey, to persons in their person security profile
  • My Journeys tab in Journeys app
  • Assigned Journeys tab in Journeys app
  • Allocate Checklists responsive page
  • REST Get method
Employee and HR specialist only should be able to view Vaccination Journey, not Line manager.