Secure Assigned Journey by Template

You want an assigned journey based on a Vaccination Journey template to display for an employee and HR specialist but not for a line manager.

Before You Start

Create the Vaccination Journey template.

Secure Assigned Journeys Based on the Vaccination Journey Template

  1. Go to Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Search for and click the Checklist Templates task or quick action.
  3. Open the Vaccination Journey template and click the Security tab.
  4. In the Journey Template Operations section, add the Human Resources Specialist role and enable all the configuration options.
  5. In the Assigned Journey Operations section, add the Human Resource Specialist and Employee role and configure the options as indicated in this table.
    Configuration Options Human Resource Specialist Employee
    Enabled Yes Yes
    View Yes Yes

When this journey is assigned, the Human resource specialist can see the journey in the Assigned Journeys tab while the employee can see this journey in their My Journeys tab.