How You Use Predefined Alert Templates for Journey Notifications

You can use predefined alert templates in your journeys to notify task owners and performers for journeys triggered based on events related to absence, health and safety, learning, person, recruiting, and talent.

You can create a copy of these templates and use them to override the default alert notifications.

  • To override the default, in Setup and Maintenance, go to the Manage HCM Alerts task. Select the event alert for which you want to modify the template or add a new template. Click Add Template to create a template as per your requirements. You can only create new alert templates for delivered event alerts. You can't create new event alerts.
  • You need to associate the custom alert template to the appropriate notification for a journey or task.
    1. All journey level alert templates can be associated at Checklist Templates > Specific Template > Message tab.
    2. All task level alert templates can be associated at Checklist Templates > Specific Task > Notifications and Reminders tab > Notification Template Overrides section.
Here are some points to consider:
  • The predefined alert template Checklist Force Closed for Assignee is used for the alert that's sent when you enable Send notification when checklist is force completed in the Display Properties tab. You can't override the template for this. However, you can modify the predefined template, if required.
  • If the processing mode is set to Alerts based notification, and the communication method is set to Worklist, then administrators can view generated alerts at Worklist > Administrative Tasks.
  • The FUSION_APPS_HCM_SOA_APPID abstract role is used to initiate HR Journey transactions. Therefore, HR Journey transactions won’t be displayed in the Transaction Console when data security is enabled for the Transaction Console. Instead, users can use the BPM Worklist to view HR Journey transactions.
  • The Transaction Console displays the Checklist Action occurrence and Employment Checklist Allocated Task Composite entries only for journeys having the processing mode as BI Publisher based notification. However, for journeys having the processing mode as Alerts based notification, the Transaction Console won’t have an entry.
  • If the alerts channel is disabled then alerts aren’t sent.

Move Existing BIP Notifications to Alerts Based Notifications

You can change the processing mode when you configure a journey template to use alerts-based notifications. You can do this by going to Checklist Templates > Message tab > Processing Mode. The processing mode options you can select are described in this table.

Processing mode


BI Publisher based notification

This mode ensures SOA composites are used to assign journeys and tasks to workers and notifications are sent using BIP based notifications.

Alerts based notification

This mode ensures ESS mechanism is used to assign journeys and tasks to workers and notifications are sent using alerts.

Null or blank

This mode ensures SOA composites are used to assign journeys and tasks to workers and notifications are sent using BIP based notifications.

For more information on alert templates for journeys, see the document Alert Templates for Event Based Journeys ( ) on Customer Connect.