Overview of Activation Criteria for Journey Tasks

You can use the activation criteria when you need to activate dependent tasks based on the user's response to a preceding task.

Using the activation criteria, the dependent tasks can be activated based on these user responses:
  • Marks a task as either Done or Not Applicable.
  • Responds to a specific question with a specific response in a Questionnaire task.
  • Provides input to a specific segment with a specific value in a Configurable Form task.

You can configure an activation criteria when you create a task. This causes the task to be activated when the criteria is met. For example, say you have a task where employees need to respond with a Yes or No for their vaccination certificate. If they answer Yes, you can use the activation criteria to check for this response and trigger a dependent task where they can upload their vaccination certificate. If they answer No, you can use the activation criteria to check and trigger a dependent task where they respond to a Wellness check questionnaire. You can achieve this by renaming the Done button to Yes and the Not Applicable button to No. You can then configure Activation Criteria for the respective dependent tasks.

You can configure dependent tasks to activate Task 2 only after Task 1 is completed. If Task 1 has a pending approval, the configuration won’t wait for the Task 1 approval to be completed. The Task 2 is activated when the employee completes Task 1.

Configuring the Activation Criteria

  1. Create a fast formula that includes conditions. The formula type needs to be Participant and Rate Eligibility.
  2. Associate the fast formula to an eligibility profile.
  3. Select the eligibility profile as the task activation criteria for the dependent task that needs to be activated if the condition is met.

You can only access these attributes of the dependent task in the fast formula:


How the Activation Criteria is Evaluated

The activation criteria is evaluated based on the response of the user. It’s unlike the task eligibility profile which is evaluated at the time of journey assignment.

All the dependent tasks are visible but grayed out. Once the activation criteria is evaluated, tasks that meet the criteria become visible and active. Tasks that don’t meet the criteria won’t be visible. A task that doesn’t meet the activation criteria is no longer displayed once the preceding task reaches a terminal status.

If you reopen a task that's configured with an activation criteria, the activation criteria won’t be re-evaluated again for the reopened task.

For more information about fast formulas, see the Administering Fast Formulas guide on Oracle Help Center.