Title for Journey Templates

This table lists the fields used to configure the Title text in different journey category templates and the pages on which it appears.

Attribute Field Label in Enterprise Onboarding Category Field Label in Enterprise Onboarding Step Field Label in Other Categories Field Label in Survey Category Where This Text Displays
Welcome Text Welcome Notification Text Not available Text Welcome Text This doesn't appear on any of the pages.

In Enterprise Onboarding journeys, this text appears as the text in the assigned journey welcome BIP notification.

Title Welcome Notification Title Title Title Title This appears on the Journeys page as the title when you drill-down into a specific journey from My Journeys.

In Enterprise Onboarding journeys, this text appears as the title of the assigned journey welcome BIP notification.

Subtitle Not available Not available Subtitle Subtitle This appears on the Journeys page as the subtitle when you navigate to your assigned journey from My Journeys.

You can configure the subtitle for all journey categories.