How You Configure the Name Format Displayed on Journey Cards

You can configure the display of the journey name on the journey card in a specific format. This helps differentiate the instance each time you assign the same journey.

You can do this configuration in Display Name Format on Journey Card on the Message tab during journey template setup.

This table lists the supported tokens you can use in the display name:
Tokens Description
{Name} Journey name
{Instance} Journey instance
{AllocationDate: <format>} Format of the journey assignment date
{Comments:<count>} Comments truncated to maximum characters of length


DISPLAY_NAME_FORMAT = {Name}{Instance} as of : {AllocationDate:MMM dd, YYYY} {Comments:16}

where Name = Vaccination Status, Instance = 1, Allocation Date = Sep 27, 2023 and Comments= First 16 characters of the comment which is Your vaccination details.

the Display Name on the journey card is= Vaccination Status 1 as of : Sep 27, 2023 Your vaccination

If the characters in the comments exceed the count you specify, then the comments are truncated to the specified count.

If you don’t configure the format and an additional instance of the same journey is assigned, it displays the name in the format <Journey Name> (Instance Number). You can also translate the static text in the Display Name Format on Journey Card using the translation editor icon on the setup page.