Load Geographies for Mexico

The Load Geographies for Mexico process creates geography codes for the state level that are used in Mexican statutory reporting. This process requires the state abbreviation to be the primary name for the Mexican states.

To know if the abbreviation is set as the primary name:

  1. Navigate to the Geographies task and search for Mexico.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Geography Hierarchy.

  3. In the Geography Hierarchy table, select the state.

  4. Ensure that the state abbreviation is selected as the primary name for each of the Mexican states.

    To load geographies, complete these steps:

  1. On the Setup and Maintenance page, click the Tasks pane and select Search.

  2. On the Search page, search for and select the Load Geographies for Mexico task.

  3. Click Submit and check that the process has completed successfully.

Note: From the Geographies task, verify that the FIPS_CODE, CFDI_CODE and Tax geography code are included for each state level.

Primary and Alternative Names

On the Geography Hierarchy page, you can change the name to be used as primary or alternative. The primary name is referenced in the corresponding field of Addresses section entered in the application.

Note: You must complete the Load Geographies for Mexico process successfully prior to changing the primary name for a geography.

If the state abbreviation is the primary name and you would like to change this to the state name:

  1. Navigate to the Geographies task and search for Mexico.

  2. Select Hierarchy Defined or Geography Hierarchy from the Actions menu.

  3. In the Geography Hierarchy table, select the row to edit and choose the Edit icon or Edit from the Actions menu.

  4. Highlight the state name row in the Primary and Alternate Names table and select the Set Primary icon or Set Primary from the Actions menu.

    By changing the primary geography, you can see the full state name as the parent geography instead of the state abbreviation in the Search and Select dialog box.

Refer to this image to understand the flow of the Geography setup of Mexico:
Geography Setup for Mexico