Overtime Status for the US

You can set employee overtime eligibility at multiple levels.

  • At the job level

    This is the default setting.

  • On the person's payroll relationship

    This overrides the job setting.

  • On the person's payroll assignment

    This overrides the previous two settings.

Job Overtime Status

By setting Overtime Status at the job level, every employee given that job inherits its overtime eligibility.

What you want to do

How you do it

Define the job

You use the Jobs task to create and configure job definitions.

Use Overtime Status to identify a job as nonexempt. You can find this field under United States Job Information in the task. The payroll process calculates premium overtime when the job is nonexempt.

If you elect to pay exempt employees overtime, you define the overtime rate you want to pay. In this case, the payroll process doesn't perform premium calculation of overtime.

In any of these cases, the payroll process considers the job as exempt:

  • No job is assigned to the employee

  • A job is assigned, but the Overtime Status is null

  • The job assigned is identified as exempt

For further info, see Jobs for the US in the Help Center.

Assign the job to employees

There are two ways you can assign jobs to people.

  • For new employees, assign it during the hiring process.

  • For existing employees, use the Employment task.

Payroll Relationship Overtime Status

Setting a person's overtime status on their payroll relationship overrides the setting on their job.

  1. Start the Person Management task.

  2. Search for the person.

  3. In the search results, select Payroll and then Payroll Relationship under Actions.

  4. Under Additional Information in the Payroll Relationship region, set the overtime status.

Payroll Assignment Overtime Status

Setting a person's overtime status on their assignment overrides the settings on their job and payroll relationship.

  1. Start the Person Management task.

  2. Search for the person.

  3. In the search results, select Payroll and then Payroll Relationship under Actions.

  4. Under Payroll Employment Tree, click the assignment to navigate to the appropriate section.

  5. In the Assignment section, under Additional Information, set the overtime status.