Overview of Overtime Configuration for the US

To ensure you accurately calculate and pay employee overtime, perform the following set up operations.

What you want to do

How you do it

Set overtime eligibility for a job

The jobs you assign your employees determine their overtime eligibility. Overtime Status on the job definition determines whether a job is exempt or nonexempt.

For further info, see Job Overtime Eligibility for the US in the Help Center.

Define an overtime period

Overtime periods are time definitions the payroll process uses for overtime calculation. Use the Time Definitions task to define your overtime periods.

For further info, see Create Overtime Period Time Definitions for the US in the Help Center.

Define elements for rate calculation

The payroll process doesn't calculate overtime hours. It calculates only the overtime rate. The process uses two elements you define to determine the rates.

For further info, see Configure Overtime Rate Elements for the US in the Help Center.

Configure your payroll definition

When you create your payroll definition, you need to:

  1. Associate it with an overtime period you defined previously

  2. Select a premium calculation rate rule

For further info, see Configure the Payroll Definition for Overtime Calculation in the Help Center.

Set up any employee overrides

Employees attached to a payroll inherit the overtime period you associated with it. You can override this with a different period.

For further info, see Overtime Calculation Overrides at the Employee Level for the US in the Help Center.

Set up any special configurations

Special overtime configurations can include:

  • Common Paymasters

  • Midday periods

  • California flat sum bonuses

  • Augments

  • Exempt employees

For further info, see Special Overtime Configuration Options for the US in the Help Center.