Add and Configure Values for the Multiple-Attribute Time Card Field

After you create the attribute definition structure, you define the field values by completing these steps for each row that you add to the table:

  1. Enter the display value that people see in the field drop-down list, such as Paid holiday US, Nonproject work, or Regular professional.
  2. Select the time attribute values that the time repository stores, such as the Public Holiday US or Regular US payroll time type. Or select attribute value combinations. For example, select the Professional Straight Time US expenditure type name and the Regular US payroll time type.
    Expenditure types are derived from the project unit. The selected project identifies the expenditure type values that people see in this field drop-down list. Changing the project won't affect the payroll or absence values that people see in the drop-down list.
    Caution: If you use Absence Management and Global Payroll or Project Costing attributes, or all three, in the absences rows, select values for only the absence management attributes. This way payroll and project time data routes to the appropriate approvers and transfers to the appropriate time consumers. If you extract time data to use with external applications, you can combine absence data with payroll or project data, or both.
  3. Optionally specify that people can override the cost segment linked to the specified payroll time type. For example, the default cost segment for the Regular US payroll time type is Standard. This default is fine for your help center staff. But, your field technicians often need to override the cost segment according to the type of work they do.
    If you enable cost override, be sure to include and configure the Cost overrides layout in the appropriate payroll or payroll and project layout sets.
  4. Specify the worker and manager actions allowed for reported time entries. The default action for both is Edit.
    • When a time attribute value is read-only for everyone, the value appears in only the calculated time. The value doesn't show up in any reported time entries.
    • Calculated results are always read only for both workers and managers.
    • Managers with the Time Attribute Full Access privilege can edit reported time values, even if the manager allowed action is Read only.
  5. Optionally filter the values that people see by assigning one or more HCM groups. Click the Show All Groups icon to do this row by row. You can also select multiple rows, and on the Actions menu, select Assign to HCM Group.
    • If you assign groups to specific values, group membership identifies if workers and managers can even see the value in their drop-down list.
    • If you don't assign groups to specific values, everyone can see all the values in their drop-down list.