Configure the Time Attributes for the Multiple-Attribute Time Card Field

You create a multiple-attribute time card field by adding, for example, a combination of absence, payroll, and project costing time attributes as table columns.

  1. On the Create Time Card Field: Field Definition page, click Add Time Attribute.
  2. On the Add Time Attribute dialog box, complete these steps:
    1. Set the attribute display sequence to specify where the column appears in the table.
    2. Select the time attribute, such as Payroll Time Type.
    3. Select the unfiltered data source and filtered data source for the specified time attribute. Typically, the appropriate source is the first value in the drop-down list.
    4. Specify whether the structure definition requires the time attribute.
    5. Click OK.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you add all the time attributes for this field definition. Be sure to include the Identifier time attribute so that you can uniquely identify rows that otherwise have the same attribute values.
  4. Add up to five of the filters provided by the filtered data sources, for the time attributes in the attribute definition table. For example, these are the filter variables and input attributes provided by the Expenditure Type and Payroll Time Type attribute data sources.
    Filter Variables Filter Input Attributes
    pAssignmentID Assignment
    pEffectiveDate Start Time
    pProjectUnitID Project Unit
    pStartTime Start Time
    pStopTime Stop Time