How Many Time Categories and Consumer Sets to Create

Use these scenarios to help you figure out how many time categories and consumer sets you need to create.

Scenario Time Category Time Consumer Sets
Some people always report only payroll and absence time. Use the delivered category All Payroll Entries or your category of relevant payroll time attributes. Absence time entries automatically transfer to Absence Management and don't transfer to Payroll. Create a time consumer set with only Payroll selected.
Some people always report only project costing and absence time. Use the delivered time category All Project Entries or your category of relevant project time attributes. Absence time entries automatically transfer to Absence Management and don't transfer to Project Costing. Create a time consumer set with only Project Costing selected.
Some people regularly, but not always, report project costing time and always report payroll and absence time. Use the delivered time categories All Payroll Entries and All Project Entries or your categories of relevant project and payroll time attributes, respectively. Absence time entries automatically transfer to Absence Management and don't transfer to either Payroll or Project Costing. Create a single time consumer set with both Project Costing and Payroll selected.
Some people always report only payroll and absence time and always or often track the number of meals that they take. Use the delivered category All Payroll Entries, which includes both hours-based and units-based time entries, or your category of relevant payroll time attributes. Absence time entries automatically transfer to Absence Management and don't transfer to Payroll. Create a time consumer set with only Payroll selected.