How You Refresh and Evaluate HCM Group Membership

After you create an HCM group, you can refresh and evaluate the group membership and update the list of members. To configure and submit the Evaluate Group Membership process, on the HCM Groups page, click Refresh Group Membership.

You can schedule regular refreshes for the HCM group using advanced options. You can also regularly refresh the membership of all HCM groups that meet both of these conditions:

  • The group definition has the Include in Refresh All Groups Process option selected.
  • At least one time entry, processing, or device processing profile configuration includes the group.

To include active and suspended assignments, select the Include assignments with an HR status of active or suspended option. To include only active assignments, unselect the option.

Tip: To refresh all groups that meet both conditions, when you configure the process, be sure to leave the HCM Group and Person fields blank.

How Membership Is Evaluated

Here's how the Evaluate Group Membership process decides the final membership status of each individual as of the specified evaluation date.

Membership Evaluation Membership Status When True
1. Is the individual directly included in or excluded from the group? Include or exclude the individual accordingly.
2. Is the individual part of multiple child groups or value sets with different membership statuses? Use the child group or value set that the individual is part of with the lowest priority to include or exclude the individual accordingly.
3. Is the individual part of only one child group or value set that's included in or excluded from the parent group? Include or exclude the individual accordingly.
4. Does the individual match evaluation criteria that has attributes, relational operators, and logical operators?

Include the individual.

By default, these delivered groups include everyone:

  • Payroll Usage
  • Projects and Payroll Usage
  • Project Execution Management Usage
  • Projects Usage