How You View and Override Time Allocation to Cost Segments

To view and override time allocation outputs on time cards, complete these tasks are in the Setup and Maintenance work area. They're part of the Workforce Deployment offering, Time and Labor functional area.

  1. Create dependent cost fields for the independent Payroll Time Type attribute that correspond to the cost time attributes in the allocation. Use the Time Entry Layout Components task.
  2. Add the dependent cost fields to layouts using the Layout Sets task.
    • To let workers and managers override allocations, add the fields to their time entry layouts. To let only managers override allocations, add the fields to only the manager layouts. Show the override values to workers as read only or not at all.
    • To let workers and managers view allocation outputs, edit the Worker tab, in the Calculate Time section. Add the fields to the time card matrixes of these layouts: time view, review, and approval notification. To let only managers view allocation outputs, edit the Manager tab, in the Calculate Time section. Add the fields to the time card matrixes of these layouts: time view, review, and approval notification.
  3. Link the layout sets to people using the Worker Time Entry Profiles task.