Time Allocation Assignment

After you create a time allocation, you can assign it to people directly or with rules.

Direct Assignment

You can directly assign time allocations using the Allocation Assignments task in the Time Management work area. Set a specific date range for the assignment or leave the end open by specifying only a start date.

Rule and Time Processing Profile Assignment

You can assign time allocations to all members of one or more HCM groups using rules. Here's what you need to do. The tasks are in the Time Management work area.

  1. To specify a default allocation, create one or more time calculation rule templates using the Rule Templates task. Use the bundled OFA_WFM_TCR_ALLOCATION_TIME_AP formula or create your own.
  2. Create time calculation rules using the Rules task. You can use the bundled template Time Allocation Template or your rule templates. When you create the rule, you can optionally associate a time allocation with the rule. Or, you can override a default allocation set in the selected rule template.
  3. Create a time calculation rule set that includes the relevant allocation rule or rules using the Rule Sets task.
  4. Associate the time calculation rule set with time processing profiles using the Worker Time Processing Profiles task.

Assignments from Both Methods

When you assign time allocations to people with both methods, the direct allocation assignment takes priority over assignments derived from the time processing profile. We recommend that you create a default time allocation and assign it to the appropriate people through time processing profiles. Then, assign more specialized allocations for specific people and HCM groups using the Allocation Assignments task.

Time Allocation

For the assigned time allocation to actually allocate time, here's what you need to do:

  1. Create a time allocation rule even if you don't specify an allocation name.
  2. Include the allocation rule in the time calculation rule set associated with the time processing profile.