Time Card Fields for the Unified Time Entry Layout

You can replace the default fields and add more nonunified and unified fields that you want to appear on the time card. By default any fields that you add apply to both reported and calculated time.

Note: Dependent time card fields continue to work in unified layouts that include the corresponding independent layout component.

You can also change display names. If you want the complete names to appear, limit them to 70 characters or less. The display names appear here:

  • On existing time card pages in the Time work area
  • On the Report Time dialog box opened from the Time work area calendar
  • On team time card pages in the Time Management work area of for My Team
  • As column headers in the time entry and calculated time tables

The display sequence of the fields is important for data filter dependencies and processing. For example, your layout includes location fields. You need to select a state before you can select a county. And, you need to select the county before you select a city.

You can select the fields that together uniquely identify time entries on responsive time cards and on dialog boxes for change audit. People open these dialog boxes from classic time cards and see these fields and their values for each changed time entry. Or you can include them in the Addition Attributes of responsive and enhanced time cards. You can also specify where the time card fields appear on classic time cards, such as the main time card matrix, or row-level or entry-level details.

The Users column shows you the roles that can see the field on time cards. The Exclude option is set as part of the time card field configuration. You can’t override it while configuring the layout.

You can use the Actions > View By > Users or Locations options to filter the fields that you see while configuring the time entry layout. The filter doesn’t affect the actual time cards.