Time Totals for the Unified Time Entry Layout

You can add time categories measured in hours and units and specify where they appear on classic, responsive, and enhanced time cards. You can also make the category display names more meaningful to the people who use the time cards.

These delivered hourly totals will always appear before all other time categories that you add. You can change the order in the layout and all time totals will appear in the order that you specify.

Delivered Time Category Description or Calculation
Total Hours All Hours - On-Call Time Category from Worker Time Processing Profile
Equivalent Hours for Absence Days Converts absences measured in days using the worker’s defined day. For example, a worker who works 8-hour days has a 3-day absence. The calculated equivalent hours are 24.
Scheduled Hours Pulled from the worker’s schedule, excluding on-call shifts.
Schedule Deviation Total Hours (All Hours - On-Call Time Category from Worker Time Processing Profile) + Equivalent Hours for Day Entries - Scheduled Hours
On-Call Scheduled Hours Pulled from only the worker’s on-call schedule.
On-Call Schedule Deviation
Absence Hours Total of absences entries measured in hours.