Time Configuration When Hire Today Is on the Same Day or a Future Day

You hire someone today with a hire date that's also today, or a future date.

Best Practice Configuration

Starting on the hire date, the active employee becomes a member of relevant HCM groups. Membership can be manual or automatic, according to HCM group inclusion and exclusion conditions. Group membership automatically associates the employee with time entry and processing profiles that include those HCM groups.

Functional Tasks Supported by This Configuration

Before the hire date, no person or scheduled process can create, process, approve, or transfer time data for the person. Here's what happens after the hire date:

  • Everyone with the appropriate privileges can create, edit, delete, and submit time cards for the person.
  • Approval, rejection, and informational notifications get sent automatically to recipients when the person's time cards get submitted. Task configurations for time card approval workflows identify the recipients.
  • Administrators for applicable time consumers, such as payroll, transfer the approved time data. The person's the configurations for the time consumer set and the time card approval workflow decide time data approval.


Here's a visual example in context of a sample time line where the hire date is after today.

Visual representation of this hire today scenario, in context of a sample time line