Batch Error Conditions for Salary Date in Grade Step Progression Processing

To configure error conditions in grade step progression that relate to the salary date, use the grade step progression settings.

If the Redwood experience is enabled, use the Grade Step Progression Settings task. Otherwise use the Configure Global Settings task, where the relevant settings are in the Grade Step Progression section of the page.

You can specify if these processes should generate errors when they find an existing salary record with the same or future date.

  • Run Grade Step Progression
  • Synchronize Grade Step Rates

These settings don't affect any change to the grade ladder, grade, or step during an HR action, such as Hire, Promote, or Transfer. They only affect the behavior of the batch processes. They also don't affect date handling in HR actions.

Updates to Existing Record with the Same Date

If you enable updates to a salary record that exists on the same date, you’re correcting the existing salary record.

  • The new salary amount might be greater or less than the existing salary amount.
  • The new salary amount can't be less than the salary amount that exists on a prior date. If this situation occurs, you get an error message.
  • When viewing the details on the Review Proposed Progressions and Salary Updates page, you see the current salary details. These details reflect the values of the existing salary record for the same date, that's the record getting corrected.

Updates When Future-Dated Records Exist

If you enable updates to a salary record when future-dated records exist, you’re inserting a new record in the middle of the historical sequence.

  • The salary amount for the inserted salary record might be greater or less than any salary amounts in future-dated records.
  • The salary amount for the inserted salary record can't be less than the salary amount on the record that exists on the previous date. If this situation occurs, you get an error message.
  • When viewing the details on the Review Proposed Progressions and Salary Updates page, you see the current salary details. These details reflect the prior salary record, that's the record with an effective date before the effective date of the record getting inserted.