Batch Error Conditions for Assignment Date in Grade Step Progression Processing
To configure error conditions in grade step progression that relate to the assignment date, use the grade step progression settings.
If the Redwood experience is enabled, use the Grade Step Progression Settings task. Otherwise use the Configure Global Settings task, where the relevant settings are in the Grade Step Progression section of the page.
Allow Multiple Step Updates on Same Date
You can let the Run Grade Step Progression process make a step update on the same date as an existing assignment record. To do this, deselect the Error when grade step record exists with the same date option.
You can review salary information on the Review Proposed Progressions and Salary Updates page. There you see the current and proposed values. And you see the same Effective Start Date value for both the current and proposed step.
If you do enable multiple updates, the processes update the existing row with the new information and a new sequence. You don't see the historical step attribute when you view older records for assignment rows with the same date. History gets maintained for all the attributes that the assignment record stores. But, the grade step record for the assignment stores only the most recent step attribute. So, history doesn't get maintained for the grade step attribute of the assignment because older values were overwritten.
Allow Progressions When Future Assignment Exists
You can allow progressions when future assignment changes exist using these settings:
- Error when assignment record exists with a future date
- Error when a future-dated grade step or a change that end-dates the grade step exists
You've several options for handling progressions when future assignment changes exist:
- You can prevent progression when there's any type of future-dated assignment and show an error message.
- You can allow progression only if the future-dated assignment doesn't include a change to the grade step. Examples of this type of change include changes to location, working hours, manager, or future employment termination. In this case, people see an error message when the future-dated assignment changes the grade step. Otherwise, the process allows the progression.
- You can allow progression when an assignment record exists with a future date. You
can also allow it when a future-dated grade step or change that end dates the grade
step exists. If the future assignment includes a step change, the newly inserted
assignment is valid only until the start date of the future-dated assignment.
For example, a person has a current assignment dated Jan 1, 2022 with Grade 1, step 1. They also have another, future-dated assignment dated March 1, 2022 with Grade 1, step 4. Someone runs the process effective February 1, 2022 and it updates the current assignment to Grade 1, step 2 with a start date of February 1, 2022. The future-dated March 1, 2022 assignment remains at Step 4. So the newly inserted assignment grade step with the start date of February 1, 2022 has an end date of February 28, 2022.
It's important to prevent data corruption where the assignment grade step doesn't match the grade in the parent assignment record. So grade progressions can happen only when the future-dated assignment has a grade step record on the same date. For example, a person has a current assignment dated Jan 1, 2022 with Grade 1, step 6 and another, future-dated assignment dated March 1, 2022. The future-dated assignment is a location change. Someone runs the process effective February 1, 2022. Because the step didn’t change on March 1, 2022, there isn’t a grade step record effective March 1, only an assignment dated March 1, 2022.
Now, the person is eligible to move to Grade 2, step 1--a grade progression. But, if the process inserts an assignment dated Feb 1, 2022 with Grade 2, step 1, the grade step record for that assignment is effective until end-of-time. The problem is that the March 1 (future-dated) assignment would revert the assignment to Grade 1. But the assignment would inherit the Feb 1, 2022 step 1 that belongs to Grade 2. This would cause a data corruption for the March 1 assignment row. So if this condition exists, people see an error message.
Deselect the relevant error options to allow the updates and progressions.
What Happens If You Deselect Both the Assignment Record Error and Grade Step Error
The processes allow a step progression for all types of existing future-dated assignments, including these:
- Future-dated transfer that includes a step change
- Future-dated progression to a new step within the grade
- Future-dated manager change
- Future-dated employment termination
- Future-dated location change
- The processes also allow a grade progression as long as the future-dated assignment has a corresponding grade step record on the same date.
What Happens If You Deselect the Assignment Record Error and Select the Grade Step Error
The processes allow a step progression for the types of existing future-dated assignments that don't have a step change, including these:
- Future-dated manager change
- Future-dated employment termination
- Future-dated location change
- The processes don't allow grade progression if there's a future-dated assignment.