Batch Settings for Grade Step Progression Processing

To specify the behavior of batch processes, use the grade step progression settings.

If the Redwood experience is enabled, use the Grade Step Progression Settings task. Otherwise use the Configure Global Settings task, where the relevant settings are in the Grade Step Progression section of the page.

Maximum Eligibility Look-Back Days

To limit the start of the date range when Grade Step Transaction Date is On eligibility, set a numeric value for Maximum Eligibility Look-Back Days. This value limits the Eligibility Evaluation Start Date and Days Back from Effective Date values people can set on the Run Grade Step Progression page. The default value is 40, meaning that the start date can be 40 days before the effective date. You can enter any number between 0 and 40.

Proposed Salary Less Than or Equal to Current Salary

There are three options for handling salary updates when the proposed salary isn’t more than the current salary. Use the Proposed Salary Less Than or Equal to Current Salary configuration option to decide the behavior.

  • To see an error message when the proposed salary isn’t greater than the current salary, select Error.
  • To update the assignment but not the salary, when the proposed salary is less than or equal to the current salary, select Update assignment only.
  • To update the assignment and salary when the proposed salary is less than or equal to the current salary, select Update assignment and salary.

Include Assignments in Only Synchronize Grade Step Rates Processes

By default, excluding an assignment from the Run Grade Step Progression process also excludes it from the Synchronize Grade Step Rates process. To include all assignments in only the Synchronize Grade Step Rates process, deselect Exclude assignment from synchronize rate process if excluded from grade step progression process.