Compensation Categories and Subcategories

Compensation categories display information in tables. Use categories to group similar or related compensation items, such as Cash Compensation, Benefits, Time Off, or Stock History. You can use the same categories in multiple statements. You can also display categories directly on the summary page.

Consider the following factors when planning how to group compensation items and categories for display:

  • Category type

  • Contribution type and unit of measure

  • Level of detail

Category Type

Consider these points:

  • Category type determines the table columns and general layout of the page in the statement.

  • You can't add categories as subcategories to the Stock History, User-Defined, or Time Off category types.

  • After you use a category in any statement, you can't change the category type.

Contribution Type and Unit of Measure

The contribution type and unit of measure of the associated items or subcategories determines:

  • Category's contribution type (monetary or nonmonetary)

  • Category's nonmonetary unit of measure

All items and subcategories within a nonmonetary category must share the same unit of measure.

Level of Detail

When you create a category, you specify how you want to display the category details in the statement.

Select one of these level of detail values:

  • Viewers drill into line items to see details

  • Viewers see all details on one page