Discrimination Detection Report

You can analyze classes of people who are protected from pay discrimination using the Discrimination Detection report. For example, you can compare compensation for men and women who work in the US.

The report calculates the averages and medians using standard statistical methods.


You can view calculated values for the entire plan cycle in the Cycle Summary section. By default, the report shows everyone for the entire cycle. But, you can limit the people you're comparing using criteria in the Define Comparison Group section.

You can refine the report in the Protected Class Analysis section to show only people in the comparison group who belong to protected classes, such as gender and age. Most of the values in the table are self-evident. But, the Amount Difference, under the Variance from Group Average header, is calculated as follows: Class Average Amount - Group Average Amount.

The class amount is in the table, under the Compensation for this Group header. The group amount is in the Cycle Summary section.


Here's the source of some of the data in the table on the Details tab.


Data Source

Discrimination Reporting Code

HR tables

Group Median Amount

Same value as the field in the Cycle Summary section of the Summary tab. It's the same for everyone. You can use it as a reference to compare with the person's Compensation Amount.

Difference from Group

A result of this calculation: Compensation Amount - Group Median Amount.