Batch Process Monitoring for Workforce Compensation

Here’s a list of reports you can use to moni9tor workforce compensation processing.

Report How to Use
Start Compensation Cycle Process

See history of Start Workforce Compensation Cycle batch process submissions. Use this report to see these details:

  • Efficiency of the start process ran based on plan setup details and selected parameters.

  • Number of workers processed and the time taken.

  • Number of fast formulas used in plan setup and access additional info.

    If you enable the start compensation cycle trigger during setup, you can also see how many dynamic calculations are configured.

Refresh Workforce Compensation Data Process

See history of Refresh Workforce Compensation Data batch process submissions. Use this report to see these details:

  • Efficiency of the refresh process ran based on plan setup details and selected parameters.

  • Number of workers processed and the time taken.

  • Number of fast formulas used in plan setup and access additional info.

If you enable the refresh data trigger during setup, you can also see how many dynamic calculations are configured.

Reprocess or Add New Plan Data See history of Reprocess or Add New Plan batch process submissions. Administrators can see details from the Reprocess or Add New Plan Data process. It shows info about the submission itself and if any errors occurred.
Apply Model Process See history about the Apply Model Process including any submissions done by worksheet managers. Administrators use this report when people have difficulty applying a model through the batch process.