Exports for Workforce Compensation

Here’s a list of reports you can use to export info by parameters you select.

Report How You Use
Worksheet Export See worksheet details exported to a workbook. Export worksheet data using the following parameters: Name, Country, Legal Employer, Business Unit, Department, and Manager Hierarchy.
Generate Real Time Statements

Generate statements for a selected manager hierarchy. After you select a manager hierarchy, you can further refine the population by country. Generate statements all at once for a selected template. This export doesn’t take into account any statement criteria in plan setup. It uses criteria within the template.

Generated files are only available for the time shown on the page. The system currently sets the availability to 7 days.
Audit Export

Use the following parameters to view and export audit trail data to a workbook from a plan cycle: Person Name, Column Updated, Updated By, Component, Last Update Date, Department, Business Unit, Legal Employer, Country, and Manager Hierarchy. The Advanced option lets you search by Update Date Range instead of Last Update Date.

You must enable the "Include in audit trail" column property before you run the Start process. This is the same as with the Audit report on the worksheet.