General Properties of Worksheet Columns

You control the column appearance, position, and data storage using the options available in the General section of the Configure Column Properties page. The available properties depend on the type of column you're configuring and the selections you make on the page.

Here's a comprehensive list of the General section properties:

Field Description
Column Read-only field that identifies the column you're configuring the properties for.
Column Width in Pixels Set the specific width, anywhere from 50 to 200 pixels.
Data Type Read-only field that identifies whether the column values are numbers or characters.
Decimal Place to Display Identify the number of places to show to the right of the decimal.
Default Sequence Default position of the column in relation to the other columns in the summary area, detail table, or dialog box that you're configuring.
Display Name Identify the column with a name that's meaningful to the people working with the workforce compensation plan.
Enable large amount of text For user-defined text columns 12 -- 15, let managers enter up to 4,000 characters in the column.
Include 0 allocations in summary totals Include the 0 allocations in the summary counts when you start Workforce Compensation plan cycle.
Include in audit trail Include changes made to this column in the audit trail.
Monetary Show the monetary values in the currency selected on the worksheet. The worksheet currency could be the corporate currency, the manager's preferred currency, or the individual's local currency. When the manager switches the currency, the worksheet converts the monetary values from the previous currency to the current currency using the specified conversion rate.
Option to Display in Worksheet For the country column, specify how the country information is displayed. Choices are country code, country name, and country code and name.
Rounding Rule Specify whether to round numbers up or down and to what decimal place, such as Round down to .01. Or, you can use currency rounding and make sure to populate Configure Currency Properties using the Configure Plan Currency task.
Show numeric separators Show separators for numbers, such as commas and periods.
Show totals Include the total for all components in the summary section of the compensation worksheet. Available for only numeric compensation component columns on the Summary tab.
Value Remains Unchanged

Keep the percentages stored in these columns, even when the corresponding amount changes:

  • Compensation Percentage of Eligible Salary
  • Compensation Percentage of Maximum
  • Compensation Percentage of Minimum
  • Target Percentage
  • Target Percentage Maximum
  • Target Percentage Minimum
  • Worker Budget Percentage
  • Percentage of Budget Pool
Wrap text Adjust row height rather than column width to show all of the value.